Living in the Divine Will…Messages from Our Lord

The following are many of Jesus’ Messages in “Meditations: Learning the Divine Will ”  from Trentditional, (W 5111 Robin Court, Necedah, WI 54646, USA)… Enjoy and feel free to share and spread the Love! 🙂

“Put all your Trust in Me. Definition of trust: “To commit or place in one’s care or keeping, to hope or expect confidently assured reliance on the character, ability, strength or truth of someone.”

“I, your Jesus, am in control of everything that happens.”

“Realize that I have each day for the rest of your life, and then for all eternity planned for you.”

“Forget yesterday and don’t think about tomorrow.”

“Every day is planned out for you; every hour, every person you will meet or talk to.”

“Depend on Me, and I will always tell you what to do, moment by moment.”

“If you are troubled, then you are out of My Will, for I am controlling everything in your life: your job, family, financial status, health, everything.”

“I will take care of your room and board and all the details of your life and will go with only one thing on your mind- loving Me and loving souls.”

“I want you to stay on the plateau above the world, doing your daily duties but thinking about Me, loving Me and loving others.”

“Love other by listening to them, by helping them, by speaking positively, by smiling, by praying for them. Let your light, which is My Light, shine.

“Think of it this way. If you had a human friend that took care of all your problems, then you would be carefree and happy and not worrying about anything. Well, I want to be that person in your life. I am taking care of all your problems. Now let go, let go, let go.”

“Nothing matters in this world. It is all passing. I AM in control of every breath you take and every step you make.”

“Be stable, peaceful, calm serene; trust ME for everything.”

When you learn and have the true sense of MY Love, My Peace, My Joy, then you can experience a Divine Union and you can become one with ME and reflect these supernatural qualities that are not like what the world thinks these qualities are.

“Have not a care, except for loving Me and souls.”

Don’t think about the future, don’t think about the past, and don’t think about creatures, what they say or have done to you. Please, only think about Me and then you can be joyful and transparent and I can use you to Love.”

I have people today that I AM placing in your path that need My Love and you can’t give it them if you are all wrapped up in your thoughts and problems and work.”

You must stay in a surrendered and abandoned state all the time as I have been teaching you so I have free reign with all your faculties.

When you are not on missions of love, you will be able to pray with words or by offering up your daily work. This will also save souls, and to cover all the other time in between, you will offer up an ‘Unceasing Act of Love’

Continue striking to pray the “Unceasing Act of Love.” Read the book [Jesus Appeals to the Word] and live it. This will truly keep your soul in a stable and joyful state while you are saving souls and loving Me with this prayer.

My Love is your security. My Love is your salvation. This world is passing and soon all of the present problems are you concerned about will dissolve and mean nothing.”

“Having MY Peace is more important than anything that happens to you, for if you lose your peace then you may fall from Grace and then everything is for naught.”

“You see, it is not about what happens to you, it is how you think about what is happening. If your mind is not under wraps, then you will lose your peace, so you must continue striving to control your thoughts by repeating the “Unceasing Act of Love.” This alone is the solution to maintain a peaceful, joyful life because you will not have time to entertain bad that’s that will overwhelm you and cause you to lose your peace, and once you lose your peace then I cannot have full reign and time is wasted and opportunities are missed to save souls.”

“More rosaries, more sacrifices, more self-denial. The tide must turn, Love must overcome evil. The catalyst of the Triumph of Love in this world will be the “cross of the chastisements.” All will be brought to their knees, but some will not have a chance because of all the disasters, so tell all to pray, pray, pray for souls.”

“This is a very serious time in My Father’s Plan of Salvation. You are living in this time and I need you to participate in spreading a message of prayer for souls that will be caught in My Father’s Wrath. Do all you can. I will guide you, I will direct you.”

“All your problems are Mine. All will be solved to the extend I desire and according to My timing. Forget them. Just go through the day loving others, staying at peace, and offering up your work for souls, and repeating the “Unceasing Act of Love” to save souls.

“I want you totally dependent on Me for everything, then you will stay little like a child and then I can Love you as creatures love their little children who are not old enough to have their own desire to do it their way.”

“It is not how holy you are, it is the effort you make to become holy. Only I can make you holy by My Grace.”

“Holiness is a gift; but I need a heart that is open and striving to want to do what will please Me.”

“How beautiful is a child in a Mother’s or Father’s eyes if that child is always trying to please them with every word and action. The child will do it because of a pure and innocent heart and because he or she loves the parents and does not want to hurt them by doing something against their will.”

“Strive to live your life doing My Will. I promise you that everything I let happen to you is for your best interest and if you ask Me for guidance, then each circumstance of your life will give you great joy, for you will know that I am perfecting you.”

“You must strive to live totally detached from the world as I have been teaching you and you must depend on Me for everything so you remain little, and you must live the Gospel in every way.”

“If you strive to be holy, to do My Will and not your own, and if you live in an abandoned state and are obedient to My Words, then I promise I will pour My Grace into you and you will go higher and higher each day in My Kingdom of Grace.”

“You will be given crosses in your life, but if you accept them as My Will, then you will know that the cross is either one to learn from, or to merit from, or in most cases both.”

“Be full of love and cheerfulness. Be a pleasure to be around and you will see how good a day you will have for I want My children to be happy and joyful. Why shouldn’t they be? If they are living in the state of grace, then they are on their way to Heaven, their home. The only thing that can ruin their day is if they focus on themselves instead of on Me and others.”

“You are in a war. This is another reason that you must stay abandoned to Me so you can be protected from the devil for he is after you in a big way; but don’t be troubled. You have Me and My Mother’s protection and your angels. But you must stay at peace and you must call on Us to defend you.”

“All of the people you are in contact with need you prayers, for their lives are so wrapped up in the world. It is important; their souls are so blinded from the truth and so enslaved by their passions and desires and your prayers will give Me the opportunity I need to touch their hearts.”

“Abandon yourself to Me and let Me use all of you faculties. Keep turning over to Me your words and actions and I will talk and act though you.”

“Can you change the past? No, you can’t. Can you control the future? No. Then, to spend time thinking about them is wasted, so please don’t. Live for today, only today, and live each activity or task of the day intensely so that you can be perfected and focus on others totally, their cares and needs.”

“Time slips by quickly. You must pray for souls. I need your prayers and all those of My other family members. Don’t neglect them, make it a priority, I cannot help souls without prayers.”

“Your country is so pacified by the evil one and many souls will be lost if no prayers are said. All the activities of the day can be a prayer if offered to Me, so do your work well. Do it for Me, do it as a sacrifice to save souls.”

“I have everything under control. I need you to be abandoned and open to My Will in your life so I will not miss an opportunity to love through you.”

“Live each moment intensely. Do the task at hand and have peace. Give others My smile, My encouraging Words, My Hope in the future. Think and talk positively, for the storm in the world will end with a dawn of Love and Peace in a renewed world.”

“I have all your problems in My Hands and I am caring for you as My precious little child.”

“…Live in My Will in an abandoned state and live the present moment intensely. You are starting to realize how precious it is to live in the present moment. Live becomes so simple because you can concentrate on the task at hand, or the circumstances you are in, or loving the people you are with.”

“So you must pray, pray, pray and tell others to pray, pray, pray for it is a requirement to save souls.”

“Live the present moment and trust Me and My Mother to get you from point A to point B.”

“I want you to become My child of the Divine Will. I want you to be purified and grow. These words will accomplish this if you study them and change your ways and life to match My teachings.”

“I will guide you, hour by hour, if you let Me, by your abandonment to My Will.”

“Be fill of joy; please don’t worry about the world’s problems. I have everything under control. All things work out for your good. Live this day in complete abandonment and surrender. Wear My smile and love all those I place you with. I am going to take care of all your problems, at home, at work, in religious life, so go, without a care, in order that I can use you to the fullest.”

“I thank you for your abandonment and letting Me control your faculties. I use you in ways you don’t even realize. This is why it is so important to live the Consecrated Life so I can have full reign and get the most out of the opportunities.”

“You must meditate on how much I love you. It is so important to have a deep understanding of this; for My Love for you is your food, your protection, your security, when you truly grasp the depth of My Love.”

“You will maintain a very stable peace for I love you so much that I AM not going to let anything happen to you that will not be the best for you, and I mean anything: nothing in the physical sense, spiritual sense, or by any other creature’s desire, will happen unless it is My Will; and My Will is that I Love you so much that I am always going to make all things turn out for your best interest, for you are My child in the Divine Will and I am a jealous God and My Love is endless for you.”

“Stay in a state of peace and calm and serenity, for you are in My hands and nothing will harm you.”

“The greatest gift that I can give to My creatures is their children, and their greatest possession is their children. It is the same for Me. My greatest possessions are My children and the apples of My Eyes are My sons and daughters that strive to do My Will and please Me with their heart’s intentions; so I am always a happy God when My children act this way and I am not going to let anything happen to them which would hurt them in any way.”

“My love is limitless and when My children have nothing on their mind but loving Me and doing My Will, how can I not go to the endless boundary of Love and bless them with Graces and gifts from My storehouse?”

“As you would die to save and protect your child if you had to, so I have no hesitation in loving you to that extreme, and it is your knowledge of this Love that I have for you that will give you the reason to trust Me in all the activities and details of your life.”

“’May all men recognize God in His immense ‘I love you’ that is manifested to us in every circumstance of our lives.’ Doesn’t this statement say it all? I love you so much and everything that happens to you is your betterment and it is only happening to you because I love you, for I created you out of love and keep your body alive because I love you. And I am teaching you and guiding you in each circumstance in your life, hour by hour, moment by moment, because I love you.”

“I will infuse so much Love and Grace into you that no one will be able to love Me and desire Me like you; and the condition for obtaining this: If you want to become something great in Me, always consider yourself nothing; then I will pour My Whole Being into you.”

“So many people think that living and doing My Will will cramp their life and not be anything but a bore and an endless life of misery. They don’t understand that is its just the opposite, for all of life is a lesson and a test to become another Jesus, another image and follower of Me in all ways for I only did the Father’s Will and I always lived a joyful life, and I want the same for you and every creature on this planet- especially for all your family members.”

“The ‘human will’ gets in the way, so get rid of it and become a ‘nothing’ and I will reign. My Will will reign and together we will become one and you will have all the gifts and fruits of My Spirit and you will reign with Me in Heaven with all My sons and daughters of My Divine Will.”

“Don’t try to cross the currents or swim upstream by doing your will. Instead, abandon yourself to Me, and float downstream, for I will support you and I will not let you be hurt on your journey, if you trust Me and live in My Will.”

“How I wish that all souls recognized Me in the Blessed Sacrament. The Sacred Host is Me; it is truly Me, God in the flesh. The attack on Me does not end. They want Me out of their sight, and they want Me in the closet. They are so wishy washy in their belief. How I long for the reversence of ages past. Be sure to visit Me today and console Me for I am so upset about this and I need My family members to comfort Me and show Me reverence… The reverence deserved by their God, their Creator, their Redeemer and their Comforter; Three in One, all present in the Bread.”

“Continue to do your work; do it as a prayer. Do it united to the work as I did with St. Joseph in Our workshop and work will save souls.”

“I love you and want you to love Me with all your heart. How can this be done? Well, unite your heart to My Mother’s Heart and love Me with Her Heart. For Her Heart is a Flame of Love that is brightness itself. Her Love for Me is endless. It is a Heart that was created by and infused by Me with a Love that is pure and spotless. A Heart that is Immaculate. A Heart of a Perfect Mother, created for you and for all My family. My Mother loves without hesitation all the souls on the earth that love Her, and all the souls that don’t- everyone.”

“Try to imagine a mother watching her children being carried off by devils to Hell, never to return. This is why My Mother is pleading for prayer, for conversion, for peace. The souls, the souls! She needs your prayers and all those of Her children to stop the devils from taking Her children to Hell. How would you feel if you saw souls carried away screaming and not being able to help them? Well, this is what is happening because not enough prayers are being said.”

“Love Me with the Heart of MY Mother and pray with Her to the Father with all of your heart for the freedom of the souls that will be carried away if you don’t say the prayers for them.”

“Nothing opens hearts like love. It cracks hearts like a hammer to a stone.”

“The harvest is at hand. The clock is ticking. Soon, it will be very hard to convert. No more time will exist for many that will be taken in an instant.╬ And for the others, they will be in such a state of shock, that unless prayers are said for them, they will be lost also. So pray, pray, pray. Please live your consecration to the fullest. Become a true slave of Mine.”

“If you ask your Mother, She will tuck you in tonight; She will make sure you don’t get cold. She will station angels all about your house. The battle will continue while you are asleep.”

“Love will conquer the world. Your part is to love those with whom you live and work with and those I place you with.”

“My Mother loves you and desires you to place your life, your will, and your heart in Her safekeeping. She will watch over and protect you. She will present you to Me, your Lord and Savior.”

“The future will be different. Imagine this world without evil, without all the sin. This will be an earth where the father’s Will is done, not man’s, not the selfishness and stubbornness of human desires. You need to understand this. You need to transition into this type of life or you will be in for hard times. The adjustment period is now for the trials are already upon the world and only My Mother’s children who have made this adjustment are ready to be at peace, will be stable, will trust, and fully abandon themselves to God’s Providence in their life.”

“You need to be aware of the fact that all of your needs will be taken care of if you trust; but if you try to prepare and control everything, as most of you are so used to doing, then you will left in a state of utter confusion and be distraught. The only way to live is by Faith in Me and Trust that all things will work out for the good of those that love Me.”

“So the emphasis is to learn to, and strive to love Me, in all that you say, all that you do and all that you plan to do.”

“Please love Me with all of your heart, all of your mind, all of your soul, for I need you love in these troubled times.”

“Your focus must be to live your Consecration to the fullest and detach yourself from this dying world and begin to live in the Kingdom of the Divine Will by total trust and surrender and abandonment to My Will.”

“Please trust that My Mother will guard and protect you from all evil and lead you by the hand to the dawn of the new era, the ‘Reign of Peace,’ of Love.”

“My Love is consoling, it is kind, it is gentle, it is warm, it is sincere, it is joyful, it is Divine. So only think about what is important today, loving others.”

“Please realize the gift of peace. It will completely change your life. If you can live in peace, your whole life will be joyful. You will always be happy and your being will shine with My Love and Virtues. I know most of you don’t live in a monastery and I know that your life is full of activities, but this must not change or hinder your resolve to live a peaceful existence. Peace is the number one priority in life. It is the foundation of your interior life and without it your foundation will shake like a building in an earthquake. The earth will quake over and over again but you must not lose your stability. You must be calm; be serene.”

“The gift of peace is very, very precious and it takes practice to maintain it but it is My gift and if you depend entirely on Me, you will not lose it.”

“Any time you feel you are losing your peace, scream for help! I live in your heart and help you to stabilize, for I do not want you to be injured.”

“I want My Body to be strong for the upcoming trials ahead. Everyone needs this teaching. I know you have heard this before but I want it ingrained into your mind, your heart, your soul, for My Pure Love is your security blanket.”

“I send you on a mission each day of your life. If you live abandoned to Me, and strive to be guided by Me at all times, then you will benefit each day by the circumstances that I place you in and the souls I place you with will benefit, because I will love and shine through you. So as you walk throughout the day, realize you are both in training and on a Mission of Love.”

“Time is short so don’t get wrapped up in this dying world. Just do your duties. Do them with Love, with Peace, and for Me, and always do your best; but do them and forget them.”

“How do you become a nothing? Well, just think how awesome God is. I created the universe, I created the earth, all the surface features, all the life, all the animals, everything, and I AM in control of everything. Now, what are you in comparison to this? You are nothing and you must remain a nothing for you want to be humble and not fall like the devil did from Grace because he though he was something; for he forgot that everything he was and the glory he was at, was due completely to God, and the same with you.”

“I have blessed you with My Graces. You deserve none of them. You merit none of them. You have them because I love you and want to shower you with My gifts, and I AM God, and can do whatever I please, but I will not give anyone gifts if they are full of pride for they have to realize they are nothing in comparison to their God.”

“The important thing to concentrate on is being a nothing or realize you are a nothing and living surrendered to Me totally, so I can take control and live again on this earth in you, to love, to console, to care, to be a fireball of joy, of peace, of tenderness and I will choose what to say, what to do, what and how to act if you turn yourself over to Me. All day long you will be so surprised at what comes out of your mouth and how much you love others.”

“Do you realize the potential to save souls and the height in Heaven you can be raised to if you just implement My teachings? How can you lose? You can’t; except you will lose your ‘free will,’ your ‘selfishness,’ your ‘attachments,’ your ‘desires’ for power, control, and all the other worldly vices. So make it simple. Love Me with all your heart, mind, soul, and live in an abandoned state and you will see how happy you will be.”

“Don’t talk about anything negative; don’t watch too much news on TV because it is all negative; don’t presume about the future, just live the day with Me, for Me, in Me, in My Heart.”

“Love all those I place you with in a special way with sincere interest in their wellbeing and their life’s activities. I live in you. Let Me take control in every conversation, every activity of the day.”

“As a forest must burn to establish new growth, as a field must be plowed under and tilled for new seeds to be planted and grow, so it will be for the earth and all those living will desire that My Will, shall be done.”

“What a beautiful future for all those that persevere, all those that love, all those that shed their human will, their own wants, their own desires, their own pleasures.”

“Implement My teaching to you. Keep perfecting them, keep studying them. Make them the norm, not the exception, and as more of My children live in My Will then the quicker will be the total transition to the New Kingdom on Earth.”

“Peace. Make that the priority. Love. Let it flow. Nurture it. Surrender into My arms. Rest in My heart. I love you and will be with you everywhere you go. Let Me shine through in your conversation with others and with all your faculties, your smile, your eyes, and your manner.”

“I want you separated from the world. I want you to realize that the world gives no security. Only in My Kingdom of Love is there security for creatures, and the world is full of selfishness and misery, and to be attached to either creatures or the world, in any way, is to invite this selfishness and misery into your life.”

“You can never please creatures, and the world’s unending demands and needs. So you must live apart, detached from both, only connected as is necessary to function in this life. You must live abandoned to My Will. You must not let the demands of creatures lead your feeling and emotions. You must act and do and fulfill your vocational duties, yet still remain apart from a leading a life that is center in the world rather than centered in My Kingdom of Love and Peace and Joy.”

“This is a life of detachment; for if you are not God-centered you will not have the pureness of these virtues. Offer up the demands that are placed on you to save souls and meet these demands for others and to fulfill your vocation with unselfish love. This is your cross and you must carry it with joy, with peace, with love as I carried My Cross.”

“It is a martyrdom of your ‘human will,’ for doing things for others, and working in the world must be done as you are still part of the world. To this degree you must always keep in front of you that all things work out for the good of those who love God and you must offer up the ‘Unceasing Act of Love,’ and you must live one day at a time and, moment by moment, in an abandoned and surrendered state.”

“In My Heart you will find a refuge, a place of rest; for to know that in My Heart is Love, is Peace, is Joy even in the midst of all the craziness of the world. So enter into this haven. Walk enclosed in this protecting shield as you live and function in the world of My Love. My Heart is security, it is contentment, it is warmth in a cold, cold world of selfishness and endless demands and desires.”

“You are a nothing, a bunch of nothing, and being such, you can love others with My Love and you can be one with Me and you can rest in peace, and work in peace, and function in this world; so take advantage of your inheritance in My Kingdom.”

“Live as if only you and I existed, and love others as I place them in your path, but don’t let their wants and desires affect your peace and tranquility. Meditate on My Love for you and My desire to keep you apart from the world. I am jealous of any thoughts that are not necessary for your daily activities. I want your thoughts centered on Me so don’t think about other creatures or other things, or the future or past, only think of My Love for you.”

“My Heart is a spiritual structure, a place of protection, a room of storage of Love. Come and dwell in this place. Live in it. It has all you need to survive in this world and more. It will keep you in a state that will maintain your peace and will make you bright with virtues and wisdom. Oh, come through the door and sit and make it your home.”

“The devil is trying hard to divide you and your loved ones, those in your community. He is trying in every way imaginable but he can’t get anywhere if you stay at peace and turn it over to Me; so continue to do this and realize that I know the thoughts and hearts of your loved ones and am working on them. I love them just as much as I love you and I am caring for them too. Remember, how much I love you and I am not going to hurt you but I am making all things work out for your best interest. Offer up the pain you feel and know that it will be used for their spiritual growth and their protection.”

“My Heart is a symbol of My Love. My Heart is described as a place because it encloses those that rest there in a shield. This shield is My Love, which will protect you from all evil, for satan cannot stand Love. He flees with haste.”

“My Heart is a place of refuge because It is not of the world, but Divine, and knowing this you realize that enclosed in My Heart you will protected from all the worldly allurements.”

“To rest and dwell in My Heart you must maintain peace, calmness, serenity and you must trust Me and live surrendered to My Will for your life. It is only the ‘act of surrender’ that My Love will enclose you; for if you have any pride or ego I will flee and you will be on your own.”

“You have a choice. You can have a beautiful, peaceful day or you can be full of selfishness and anxiety. Your call! It is your choice because you have to check your thoughts; you have to strive to live as I am teaching you. You have to live abandoned to Me, moment by moment. Work on it. Concentrate on it, and ask for My Help all day.”

“Offer up the ‘Unceasing Act,’ try all day to love Me with all your heart, your mind, your soul and love your neighbor- all those I place in your place. This is your part of the triumph of Love in the world. Love will break the hearts of stone. Love will expel evil. With love there is order, with love there is peace, with love there is joy, with Love I AM present for I AM Love and your whole life must be devoted to Love, to Men people and nations because My Sacred Heart, the symbol of My endless Love.”

“I control all, I see all, and I desire only love from My Creatures. All things work out for the good of those that those that love Me. So concentrate on loving Me and I will take care of everything.”

“Love is called ‘Kingdom’ in the Divine Will Prayer Book because of the order it establishes and it is necessary to have Love to obtain all the virtues. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all other things will be given to you.”

“You were created because of Love, you were redeemed because of Love and you are being sanctified because of Love. I, your God, am Love- Love is the goal; Love is the prize, Love is the priority, Love is your life, Love is your security, Love is your peace, Love is the doorway to all the virtues and good habits, it is also order to this life.”

“Love can stop wars and heal wounds between people and nations because where there is Love there is forgiveness, and where there is Love there is caring for each other, and where there is Love selfishness does not exist, nor the desire for power or control, but only with Love is the desire to help and the desire to serve and your love is what I desire above all else.

“Love is My Plan for the new earth after the trial. Love is My Will, and My Will be done and the earth will be delivered from all evil because Love will vanquish it. Love is the key, Love is the focus. Put all the efforts of your life into Love- love Me and love souls.”

“Tomorrow will be taken care of as will the future. You are in My hands and I love you; so please, please, make Peace the priority and then I can have full reign.”

“With love all things are possible, for I AM Love. That is why Love is the common denominator; for all members of My Body have Love as the basic strength of their being and when members of My Body love together, then great things can be accomplished. Love makes it happen, for Love is harmony among My brothers and sisters. I need your community to unite under the banner of Love, love for Me and love for souls. All together with My Love, great things are possible. Love is the goal.”

“How many souls could be saved, how many souls could be given to God if your community can unite for Love of God and Love of souls? With this unity a mountain of Love can be formed in your religious community, and in your area with all My family. Why now> Because time is short and souls will be lost’ so unite, My children. You are brothers and sisters of My family. God is your Father, I AM your Brother, Mary is your Mother, My Spirit is your Sanctifier. Do great things for God together as members of this one family united by Love.”

“Get rid of all human wants and desires. Put on the Virtues of Heaven so unity among your brothers and sisters can be of a bond that can weather all the storms of this life now, and those of the tribulation period.”

“My Gift to each of you, is your brother and sisters of My family, those that do My Will; and My Will is to love each other unconditionally, unselfishly with My Love, the Love that knows no bounds, the Love that is not of this world, the Love that is pure without blemish. Do not reject one another. See Me in each of your brothers, in each of your sister, and love Me, and care for Me, and console Me, and you will see unity grow, joy will grow and peace will flourish and let all know My family, My Faithful Remnant, by their love for each other.”

“Live in My Peace or I will not reign. Love Me or today will be wasted. Let tomorrow and thoughts of tomorrow be far from your mind.”

“I live inside; you don’t shade out this brightness with the cares and troubles of the world. Live in union with Me; live in the cloud of My Spirit above the world, separated from the world. I want you to live in a different world, the world of My Love, of My Heart. It keeps you in a cloud of love, a force field of protection from the world. I know you live in the world, but don’t let thoughts of the world occupy your time. Think about Me, how much I love you, how I am taking care of you, how you can please Me. Think about My Life on this earth and My Passion but don’t spend time thinking about the happenings of your life or about what could happen in the future.”

“You are on a mission of Love. You are going to mess it up if you are thinking about the world so abandon yourself to Me and love Me and let Me shine through you. Be a nothing, a clear shell, a body with My Heart, My Spirit, My Will.”

“Bless those souls I place with you; with the heavenly aroma of your virtues. I have placed you in the field of souls to brighten their day and soften their hearts. Please, accept your mission of Love with joy and peace, and forget yourself so that you will reflect the Glory of God in all you say and do.”

“Please, contemplate how much Love I have for you and how much time you spend loving Me. Now, the later must increase, for loving me is the only thing that matters. To love Me is to live in Heaven while still on earth, for in Heaven, Love rules. There is no evil, no distraction, no cares, so live in Heaven while still on earth. My soul is like a parched desert. I have so few souls that love Me and put Me first in their lives.”

“Do you realize how lonely I am? I creature creatures to love Me and for the most part no one does. I am on a raft in a vast oceans of souls. I thirst for Love but there is none to be found. Please, be a fountain of Love that I can drink from.”

“I, your Jesus, am crying. I can’t find souls that love Me. They are all watching TV, shopping, or at the restaurant, or reading magazines, or bowling, or playing cards. Where can I find souls to love Me. I died on the Cross for these same souls and they have all left Me for their more important worldly cares and concerns. Please, don’t follow their lead.”

“Keep Me number one in your life and think only about Me, expect when it is necessary to perform your vocational tasks.”

“Please, cheer Me up. I am Jesus, your Savior. Put your arm around Me by walking with Me and talking to Me all day long. Enjoy My Company, My Presence, and My concern for you.”

“My Heart is broken; My Eyes are sobbing with tears of loneliness. Bring Me joy with your attention, with your focus on Me, and love Me, adore Me, praise Me. I AM your God. Turn your hours into Love for Me with the ‘Unceasing Act of Love.’

“Spread the word without hesitation. Be a living prayer. Put all your heart into it. Focus on it, love and pray for soul for soon the Ark will shut and I and My Mother will return to Heaven and the Father’s Wrath will be exhausted. So pray, pray.”

“Happy are those that live in and do My Will for they will live in My Will for all eternity. They will be brought forth through the trial safely and in peace and love. They will be stable. They will be calm, for they will trust totally and completely in My Love for them. They will walk in Light.”

“Pray for the coming of the Kingdom. Pray for more souls to make it. Pray for enlightenment, for perseverance, for peace through the trial. It will be yours if you totally abandon yourself in trusting surrender to My Love and detach yourself from the spirit to the world. Live the Gospel message. Live one day at a time. Live without worry. Seek the Kingdom of God. Love your neighbor. Sin no more.”

“Simplify your life! All that is necessary is Love and that is all that will be important in the new Era of Peace. Love will rule in all hearts; so begin today to live on the new Earth and in the new Heaven. Live in My Heart, live in a Cloud of pure Love.”

“Your Mother is raising you spiritually. She wants you to grow into a strong, caring, loving son or daughter of the Divine Will. All that is necessary is your heart’s intention to be pure, to be sincere. She has a perfect Motherly Heart. She will teach you, She will guide you, She will correct you, She will love you. Her desire is only to love you with the Father’s Love and raise you to be a son or daughter that She is proud of so She can present you to your Brother and your Dad, to the Holy Spirit, and to Their Family. You are only a little infant now. She will nurture you and feed you with the truths of the Will of My Father.”

“Try your hardest to be a perfect son or daughter by doing what I ask of you; and what I ask is that you love Me and love souls- live the teachings- live the Gospel- live Our Messages- live the examples of the Saints- live in accordance to the true teachings of the Church- those of My Mother’s beloved son, the Pope (Saint John Paul II), and those that still follow him in spirit.”

“The Holy Virgin is your Mother and God the Father has granted Her great power over the evil one and his followers, so run to Her, fly to Her, She will wrap you in Her mantle and there Satan will not dare to touch you. She can’t protect you if you don’t remain close to her at all times. You must stay at peace and calm and in prayer.”

“I have the whole day planned. Live and work in My Peace. Have a joyful day. Please, don’t concern yourself about your business or work cares or concerns of your community or any other future type of problems; I have all under control. Practice peaceful existence. Offer up the ‘Unceasing Act of Love’ and live the moment intensely.”

“I love you. Have this in your heart and in your mind at all times. Trust in My Love for you. I will care for you and provide all your needs- everything. I will always be there, for when you are weak, I AM strong. Be My Apostle of Love. A message of good news, the news of the greatest importance, that of My Love, for My ‘Little Nothings’- for My Children that are striving to live the Gospel and do My Will. Their lives are in My Hands and they will be taken care of each day, each hour, each moment, if they just trust Me and love Me and do My Will.”

“The only thing that is important is saving souls. All the worldly matters and cares are way down on the priority list. When you are with others you must think only of their salvation. Love them and pray for them. Do not judge them or think about how they fit into your worldly life; for you have no worldly life. You are only here in the world to complete your mission, and that mission is to love God, love your neighbor, and do My Will.”

“How important it is to be in the Divine Will program of learning the teaching for the new Era of Peace!”

“Sunday is My Day, a day of rest. A day to become closer to your Lord and God, a day to pray, a day to read. Live, moment by moment, so your thoughts are clear; don’t overeat; protect your mind from worldly thoughts and distractions.”

“I AM Love and My Love will conquer all evil. It will rule, it will be the only important factor in all activities of all men and all women in the New Era. In this Kingdom, Love will be taught, Love will be practiced, Love will be the important consideration in all decisions made.”

“The new Earth, the new Heaven will be a place of joy, a place where families will always be the number one social unit as the cells are to the body. For the family is My design for mankind where Love must reign and Peace must be established and all the members must love and worship God together. Pray for your family, and for it to be protected from all evil.”

“Raise your family by being totally dependent on My Love and trusting Me for all your family’s needs. If you family loves God then all things will work out for its good.”

“Unite your suffering to Me. I always loved My persecutors and forgave them. Learn from My example. Creatures that step on you are for your practice in and of the School of Love, of forgiveness.”

“Decrease so I can increase. I have a plan for you as I do for all My children. The plan can be implement to the 100% stage if you don’t interfere and block it with your will. Live a moment at a time; be in awe of God’s care for you.”

“The Catholic Church is the Rock; the gates of hell will not triumph over Her.”

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